Sale price$109.99USD

COLOR: Blaze

Elf - Vlio

You never know where you'll meet Vlio. An elite ranger who challenges all stereotypes of wood elves, he helps a diverse range of people on his journey. Though his face is noble and coldly handsome, he is worldly-wise and diplomatic in his dealings. Vlio is also a bit of a playboy, more emotional and sentimental than one might expect.

There are always tales of him in the Nothosaur Mainland: He had slightly darker skin and visible muscle lines, oh god I miss enjoying sex moments with him, it was the best sex of my life, Shhh hah.

That was elf sex! The wandering elven prince Vlio! Oh my god, his cock even has noble elven markings, with two sexy vines wrapped around it. His massive glans filled me right from the start, and during the thrusts, he could lift me with just one hand. He’s so manly! Those elven markings and vine patterns kept rubbing against my sensitively place, oh god, I love it!

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